1976 opened with the 3rd Bluegrass Open House. Before the 5th Kerrville Folk Festival, the volunteer staff was small and managed by Rod as part of his festival producer role. In 1976 Larry Brooks was the first staff coordinator. Steve Caruthers was the office manager and Mary Jane Farmer was head of transportation, which was in charge of getting the performers to and from the San Antonio airport as well as from the hotels in Kerrville.
"I got the transportation job by volunteering to pick someone up at the airport. There was a first aid crew that came up from the Gulf coast."
Mary Jane Farmer9
       There were "Frisbee Demos" in the meadow that year. Mary Potter came for the first year of many.
"My very first festival. I didn't quite know what it was that captured me, but I knew I would return to find out."
Mary Potter10
       Other KFF related festivals that year were the Red Steagall Celebrity Golf Tournament, the 2nd Country & Western Jamboree and the 3rd Bluegrass Festival. 9interview with Mary Jane Farmer 10interview with Mary Potter