The year started out with the 3rd Isla Mujeres Festival and the 5th Kerrville on the Road Celebrated Texas in California. The Free Concerts in Hermann Park preceded the 16th Kerrville Folk Festival and the 14th Bluegrass Festival respectively.
16th Kerrville Folk Festival staff according to the program:52
"I believe the old staff central building was the old second beer booth (moved over by the office). It was originally built to serve a double purpose - staff central and a place to store ticket supplies and armbands."Blair and Lendell, spiritual parents of Camp C.A.L.M., were married at the Threadgill Theatre. They had planned to marry on Chapel Hill, but it was too wet and muddy. Their jeep couldn't get up there. Walter Lee officiated and Nancylee was in attendance.
Susan Roads53
"I remember staff central was by the side window of the office building. Does anyone remember when we moved out?"
Ky Hote54
"I'm pretty sure Steve Lackey was staff coordinator. This was the year of the rain. Somewhere around 15" in 18 days. Turtle Creek was out of it's banks & road to Medina washed away, so we were trapped on the Ranch. Began to run out of ice, since they couldn't get to us either.
Lendell & I got married at the Threadgill Stage since Chapel Hill was not accessible. We came up with the idea of a community buffet @ Threadgill to feed the hungry & use up what was in the ice chests before it went bad. BW Stevenson played at my bachelor party, along with many others.
This was the year our camp acquired the name Camp Calm (Conroe Association of Live Music) although the same people had been camping in that location since the late 70's. All those kids in schoolbusses got swept down the Guadalupe after the festival. At one point, the ranch was isolated as Turtle Creek was up over the road and Hwy 16 towards Medina was washed out. That brought about a shortage of ice, so Steve & I sort of organized a share the food (before it went bad) buffet at Threadgill."
Blair Powell55
Cuz Tom Graham and I had just finished opening the shows at Esther’s Follies on 6th street in Austin when he mentioned that he thought I’d have fun attending the Kerrville Folk Festival. (He was right!) Leaving Austin I arrived at Quiet Valley early the next morning and immediately began jamming at 2:30 am. I was invited to back Michelle Shocked on stage along with East Side Flash. Others that I jammed with that weekend were; Mike Williams, Alan Arnopole, Gary Boggs, Andy Harding, and Dan Knerr to mention a few.After Folk Festival, Rod borrowed from the string of "Live Aid" names and dubbed the 6th Kerrville On the Road the 1st Folk Aid Tour. There was then a Folk Aid Festival at the ranch in the middle of the summer. The 4th Isla Mujeres Festival was the second for that year. Taking the show to the road again, there were benefit concerts in Austin and Houston, the 4th Kerrville Christmas Reunion and the 1st Kerrville New Year's Eve held in Austin, TX. This was a high dollar formal event. Of course, in Texas, formal means tails, boots and lace. 521987 KFF program 53interview with Susan Roads 54Ky Hote 55submission to website: Blair Powell
...Washtup Jerry