Kerrville on the Road started out the year for the festivals. The 3rd Kerrville Folk Festival Too!, the 3rd Napa Valley Folk Festival, the 8th Isla Mujeres Festival and the 8th Kerrville Christmas Reunion were all presented and the Kerrville Folk Festival turned 20! Disposable cups were banned on the ranch. You had to bring (or purchase) your own cup to drink beer, soda, coffee or anything else in . This cut the trash runs in half - from 2 tons to 1 ton!69.1
       And at the Ranch was the first year of a unique festival that took place during the middle days (Mon - Thurs) of the second week. Titled Festival of the Eagle, it ran for three years and was a celebration of American Indian history, culture and spirit.
       20th Kerrville Folk Festival staff according to the program:70
"It was my 3rd festival or second i cant remember and i helped out on staff drove my own VW transporter van to the airport to pick up the bands helped in the kitchen on the odd occasion and remember a time when i was thrown out of control (Communications) on a sunday i think it was Joe who said though i was working in control, i was out of control. (it was) one of the best years of my life. How i miss the festival - wish i could be again!! Love you all..." lawrence campbell
71 69.1Hot Jams & Cold Showers Dyanne Fry Cortez 701991 KFF program 71submission to website: Lawrence Campbell