1995 saw a new event to replace the festivals in Mexico, the 1st Kerrville on the Enchanted Seas. Kerrville On The Road was designated a Press Tour which signified its purpose as bringing publicity to the festival for the year. There was a (16th) Free Concert in Hermann Park, the 4th Kerrville Wine & Music Festival and the 4th Nashville Kerrville Reunion. In Austin there was the 3rd Kerrville Music Awards, the 2nd Songwriter Circle and the 12th Kerrville Christmas Reunion.
(editor's note: At this point, the programs started consciously listing the Kerrleaders, but they listed them in two places, the front and on the page that listed all of the staff, so it got a little confusing, but here is what I gleened from...)
       24th Kerrville Folk Festival staff according to the program:
"I was a Kerrvirgin. I worked in the kitchen, mixmaster and at the Kerrtry Store. The kitchen then was a small shack over by the tree where the serving line now extends to when it's busy. We had only an oven and a stove in there. Our sink was outside and there was a convection oven outdoors also. Staff lined up to a service window and it all it all got done there."
Maverick Goodson

"The comm. Shack was moved over by tickets to be used for tickets storage. A new Comm shack was built."
Doug Outta Control

"This year I became Tony Simmons' second for beverages."
Ned Mefford

"I performed a spoken word piece at the Staff Concert about classism and drug laws that caused me to get kick off staff for a few festivals. Hey - it's not an easy staff to get kicked off, I was honored!"
Ky Hote