27th Kerrville Folk Festival staff:        Ky Hote was on the transportation crew.
       At the 7th Kerrville Wine & Music Festival Cary was the head of "QC" and Dawn Reesz joined the krew.
       The Staff Concert was hosted by Christopher Yarrow
Summer Droit:
"I was voted into Staff Concert this year, played on the Threadgill stage, chose Owl Morrison to perform with me onstage, winners are allowed to perform only 2 songs and I gave one to Owl, so we did a song I wrote called "Four Lane." Then as the second song we did an amazing song that Owl wrote called Capitol "T", truly a great song with a sorely needed message.
We also wore T-shirts airbrushed by De showing our support of Chandler who had been ousted from the festival that year by the festival producer Rod Kennedy. Chandler was back the following year. :o) This Staff Concert was filmed by Harry Larry."

"Wrong Way" Chip Rogers:
"It was my first Big Folk. One extremely Fond memory comes to mind. While preforming traffic control at Mix-Master, for a medical emergency, a gentleman approached me and asked I knew his sister and where she might be . He said her name was Jackie. I asked what Kerrew she worked on. He could not say, he had not seen her in eight years! After a brief description, I recgonized who was his sister!
When the medics had left the Ranch, I asked the gentleman to follow me to a camp location. That being the last camp site on Main Rd. before Kerrtry store. When I rounded the corner of thier trailer I called to Jackie that I had someone that wished to see her. It was quite the a joyful reunoin. It filled me with a great deal of pride that I could be a part of that reunoin. The Spirit of Kerrville shows through it".

The Campground was changed by making an RV row, changing the permastructure of the campground between the front gate and the Kerrtry Store.

Rick Wright:
"They worked all Summer 1997, 5 weeks with a D-7, putting in both septic fields and special pumping system for a 56 site RV hookups. We may have had a few hookups for W/M that year."

Bill Bernard:
"Rick Wright That jibes with what I recall. I did not attend Little Folk that year (1997). I was shocked when I saw what had been done when I arrived in 1998"

Anne Greenlee:
"It was a big raw scar on the land. Melanie Rebecca and I went to Wildseed Farms and spent our spare money on native seed and walked the top of every cut and threw out seed to jump start the vegetation. Owl mourned for the trees and displaced dryads. Displaced camps were looking a new place. A lot changed with the RV sites."

Mike Martin:
"The Leopard Lounge was born because of the RV park."

Carey Colley:
"It was a shock for sure. Still kind of is, although we are used to it now. The silver lining was that the Bungees moved up the hill and became our neighbors and oh, what fun we had in the ensuing years!! So much laughter and silliness! I sure do miss those days!!"