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This is a list of Kerr-Camps on the Ranch. If you have any information that's needed here, leave a comment below and we will incorporate it into the list. Likewise if you have a camp we've left out.
400 Pound Gorilla Camp
Aloha Kerrloha HA!
Big Blue Bus
Buster & Boomer's Halfway House

Halfway down the Lower RV Road
Camp Bayou Love

by lower meadow near bathrooms
Camp Bite Me

by path to Chapel Hill
Camp Bungee

Above Middle road just past the end of the High Rd.
Camp Be Drinking end of the middle by theatre
Camp Be Found
Camp Brain Dead across from Mixmster
Camp C.A.L.M.

Behind the outhouses in the meadows
Camp Cabana Between the Teepees and Sesame Street
Camp Chilla

the intersection of steep road to Crow's Nest & road to Threadgill
Camp Chrome Gnome high road near La Mona Rosa 2007
Originally on the main road by Camp Hedonism
Camp Coho back foot of Chapel Hill
Camp Comfort

Camp Cuisine

to the right of the trail to Chapel Hill
Camp Daisy (Spanish = Margarita) On Chapel Hill next to road, had to move when camping on Chapel Hill was prohibited
Camp Dayo

Camp Doper

Between Main Meadow and Threadgill
Camp Duct Tape
Camp Eyesore 2006 -
Camp Estrogen nestled between Kidsville and Staff Rekerrds
Camp Estrogen

nestled between Kidsville and Staff Rekerrds
Camp F***ing Remember

East side of the Meadow, near Cabana
Camp Find Us If You Can

Camp Folker
Camp For Sale
Camp Fork In The Road

In the Lower Meadow - right at the end of the path in
Camp Green Tree

Camp High Maintenance Next to Rouse House
Camp In Tents
Camp Inertia

near Camp Cabana, east edge of Meadow
Camp Jews Don't Camp

Upper RV Road towards Kidsville
Camp Juniper

Camp Kafeen Lower meadow almost to the trail to backside of Chapel Hill
Camp Kamp

Behind the outhouses in the meadows
Camp Kerrfuffle

in Lower Meadow, near Camp Lethargy and Camp Tranquilo
Camp Knucklehead

lower side of Upper RV Road
Camp La Tuna

across from Camp Nash Bill
Camp Lethargy in Lower Meadow, near Camp Kerrfuffle and Camp Tranquilo
Camp Lykumeenit above the high road Originally under the trees, that are now gone, on the north side of the meadow near the north potties

"Debbie and I started it around 1990. We’ve moved a few times. When we make it to the fest these days we camp with Big Earl or PattyBoop. If you find us I’ll feed ya’! ...JD Dillingham"
Camp Lonesome Dove above Susie's camp
Camp Make Up out Minds
Camp Misinclined

Lowest road, 3rd camp on right
Camp Mixed Nuts

Right in the elbow of the road that heads straight down to the lower meadow and the road that heads to the fence
Camp Moco Verde Above Camp C.A.L.M. towards the Threadgill Theatre
Camp Mother Folkers

Camp Mucholoco Flat area above 2nd RV rd. 1989 -
Camp NashBill

East Edge of meadow down from Sesame Street
Camp Nekkid Between Patchouli and Threadgill on the hill
Camp No Way Out

Near Council Tree at the fence separating the campground from parking lot
Camp Nosebleed in trees by Sky High
Camp of the Latter Day Aint's 3rd RV Road
Camp On This On other side of Threadgill by Oak Tree, by fence at end
Camp Patchouli

on sumac ridge 1987
Camp Peace Of Mind

originally Across from Kerrtry Store, now over the hill from Crow’s Nest
Camp Rio Ha Ha

Camp Singkerrnicity

on the side of the Lower Meadow towards the upper meadow - to the right trail end
Camp Sky High

Above and to the right of Crow's Nest
Camp Somewhere Else

Small RV Row towards the theatre
Camp Stupid In the meadow across the street from the small RV spots
Camp Sweetness and Light

By the fence lining the driveway to the ticket gate
Camp Tequila Mockingbird in the meadow by Duct Tape
Camp Thoroughfaire

Camp Toad

Camp Todo Grande

Right at the beginning of the fence that lines the driveway into tickets
Camp Tranquilo

in Lower Meadow, near Camp Kerrfuffle and Camp Lethargy
Camp Van Gogh by Camp On This
Camp Whoa in trees by Sky High
Camp Will Work For Food floating camp
Campo Unique

Camptankerous on Snob Hill at patio above middle road of RV's
Camptown Ladies above Crow's Nest 1st camp to left of trail
Carpet Camp/No name camp to the left of the trail to Chapel Hill 1980
Chez Rebel neé Rebel Camp to the right of the trail to Chapel Hill, just before the Bridge
Casa De Gator next to Bungee
Chrome Gnome
Chupa Tequilla Make a right at the lower meadow bathrooms and it's on the left
Cotton Candy
Crow's Nest At the top of the road coming up from Kidsville
Energy Camp

At the edge of the woods between the meadow and Chapel Hill by fence
Fat Jack's Place

east edge of the meadow towards the trail to Chapel Hill An excellent place for a game of dominoes (42)
Forest Lawn Quiet Zone in back of Cureville
G-SPot across from Lovin' Oven
Gnome Den

Handi-Camp Handicapped Parking along road to theater
Honey Bus

First camp on the right on the trail that leads to Chapel Hill
Kamp Dakota

to the left of the top of the steep road to Chapel Hill
Kamp Gnomaste

East Of Camp Stoopid
Kamp Kantigree

To the right of the road as you start going down to the meadow
Kamp Mixed Ducks

Kiddie Corral Other side of road from Kerrtry Store
Killer Bees
La Mona Rosa

above the high road near the intersection with the middle road
Leopard Lounge

below Crow's Nest headed towards the theatre on the left
Loser Camp end of middle road
Loveolution above the high road
Mary Potter Camp Across from the lamplight in back of the meadow outhouses

Across from the Kerrtry Store
Moca Verde Up from Camp C.A.L.M. towards Threadgill
Om Sweet Om
Pig Camp

All the way by the fence to the left of the trail to Chapel Hill
Poor David's Peak

Above the back of the Theatre
Really Gotta Wanna Up by the fence above and to the left of Sky High
Rouse House New Folk Camp

Across from Men's Shower
Sesame Street

Lower Meadow, between Teepees and Camp Nashville
Space Odd to See
Spirit of the Trees
Stetsonville Lower Meadow against fence
Stu's Place

East side of Lower Meadow, to the right of Fork in the Road
Sudden Creek
Taj Moo Hall beyond Stoopid
The Free Dome by Council Tree 1987
The Plunger's Lounge in Forest Lawn 1988
Tricky Wicky
Turquoise Bench behind Teepees
Urban Campfires

Right at the beginning of the fence that lines the driveway into tickets
Whiskey Ridge
Woman Hollering Kamp

On the path to the Lower Meadow past Camp Bayou Love
Ziggyville between La Mona Rosa and Poor David's Peak on the high high road 1993